Using Lithium to Treat Irritability Associated with Autism

Using Lithium to Treat Irritability Associated with Autism

Using Lithium to Treat Irritability Associated with Autism

Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Neurodevelopmental Condition

Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are a group of neurodevelopmental disorders that are characterized by impaired communication, challenges with social interactions and social cue processing, and repetitive behaviors. The prevalence of ASD is estimated to be 1 in 44 children in the United States and approximately 1% of the global population.

Heterogeneity of Autism Spectrum Disorders

ASD is recognized as a heterogenous disorder, with presentations and symptoms that can vary significantly. While some individuals with ASD display only subtle behavioral or social processing disturbances and can excel in traditional academic, employment, and social contexts, others may present with substantial impairments requiring intensive interventions and specialized daily care.

ASD-Associated Irritability, Aggression, and Agitation

In addition to social processing and communication deficits, ASD is characterized by symptoms of heightened irritability, aggression, and agitation. These symptoms can present a significant challenge for care providers and family members, which is why many traditional approaches to ASD focus on irritability and aggression as key therapeutic targets.

Pharmaceuticals for ASD-Associated Irritability

Pharmaceutical agents, such as antidepressants and antipsychotics, are considered the gold-standard for treating ASD-associated irritability. However, these drugs come with a litany of potential side effects ranging from anxiety and agitation to nausea, constipation, and weight gain. Furthermore, the long-term safety of antipsychotic use in children is a relative unknown.

Lithium as an ASD Treatment Option

While much attention has been paid to the development of novel drugs for ASD, there are few who include lithium in their considerations. Lithium’s calming and mood-stabilizing properties have been known to western psychiatry for nearly a century. At our clinic, we have found that irritability can effectively be treated with low, nutritional doses of lithium orotate. This natural mineral can safely and reliably alleviate ASD-associated irritability, aggression, and agitation.


Unburdened by irritability, aggression, and agitation, ASD patients may be able to better engage with their care providers and loved ones, leading to more significant and longer-lasting therapeutic gains. Lithium may offer a safer and more effective alternative to traditional pharmaceuticals for treating ASD-associated irritability.

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