What Causes Hemorrhoid Pain to Worsen at Night and How to Alleviate It

What Causes Hemorrhoid Pain to Worsen at Night and How to Alleviate It

What Causes Hemorrhoid Pain to Worsen at Night and How to Alleviate It

Participate in a Clinical Trial for Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids can be a painful and uncomfortable condition, especially at night. If you’re looking for relief, consider participating in a clinical trial for hemorrhoids. By doing so, you’ll gain access to the latest treatments that aren’t yet widely available and contribute to finding a cure.

Understanding Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in the anus and lower rectum, similar to varicose veins. They can develop inside the rectum or under the skin around the anus. This condition is common in men and women, especially those over the age of 50, with one in 20 Americans affected.

Hemorrhoids can be classified as internal or external. Internal hemorrhoids form in the lining of the anus and lower rectum, while external hemorrhoids occur under the skin around the anus.

Causes and Symptoms of Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are often caused by built-up pressure in the lower rectum, which affects blood flow and makes the veins swell. This pressure can be caused by a low-fiber diet, straining while going to the toilet, sitting on the toilet for a long time, older age, pregnancy, chronic diarrhea or constipation, and lifting heavy weights often.

Symptoms of external hemorrhoids include itching, pain, and swelling around the anus. Internal hemorrhoids may cause bleeding during bowel movements, protrusion from the anus, and discomfort.

Why Hemorrhoid Pain is Worse at Night

While there is no scientific evidence to support hemorrhoids being more painful at night, your sleeping position could cause any worsening pain and irritation you experience. Pain in and around the anus can be disruptive since the soft tissues in this region are highly sensitive. Any sleeping position that exerts pressure on these soft tissues can worsen your hemorrhoids pain, which can occur at any time of day.

Managing Hemorrhoids Pain at Night

To manage your hemorrhoids pain at night, you can try sleeping on a soft mattress, avoiding spicy foods before bed, wearing comfortable clothes, and avoiding sleeping on your back. You can also apply over-the-counter topical creams or ointments, take pain relievers like acetaminophen or NSAIDs, and take a sitz bath before bed.

General Tips for Easing Hemorrhoids Pain

Other tips for easing hemorrhoids symptoms include drinking plenty of water, avoiding alcohol and caffeinated beverages, exercising regularly, consuming a high-fiber diet, avoiding long periods of sitting, going to the bathroom as soon as you feel the urge, and avoiding straining or holding your breath during bowel movements.

How to Sleep with Hemorrhoids

The best sleeping position to manage hemorrhoids pain is lying down on your side and placing a soft pillow between your knees. Alternatively, try sleeping on your stomach. Both sleeping positions take pressure off the anal region, relieving hemorrhoids pain at night.

If you’re experiencing extreme hemorrhoid pain at night, speak to your doctor about your symptoms. They may be able to recommend alternative medications or treatment options to make sleeping easier.

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