Transform into a parent who dives in headfirst.

Transform into a parent who dives in headfirst.

Transform into a parent who dives in headfirst.

Are You a Helicopter Parent of a Child with ADHD?

It’s easy to become a helicopter parent when your child has ADHD. However, it’s important to challenge this tendency and find a balance between being involved and allowing your child to develop independence. Here are some tips on how to become a Dive Bomber Parent instead.

What is Dive Bomber Parenting?

Dive Bomber Parents monitor their child’s life from a distance, waiting for the right moment to swoop in and provide precise and specific assistance. The goal is to allow your child to become increasingly independent while still providing the necessary support and help. Here’s how to become a Dive Bomber Parent:

Dive Bomber Basic Training

  • Use Tools to Monitor: Regularly check in with the school’s online tracking system, review your child’s assignments, or use weekly behavior charts filled out by the teacher.
  • Deputize Your Kids: As your child gets older, delegate responsibilities to them. For example, have them review the online system each week and follow up on any missing assignments.
  • Know When to Swoop In: Determine when you need to get involved and when to let natural consequences occur. Make sure you’re on the same page with your child and other adults in their life.
  • Choose an Appropriate Tone: Decide on an appropriate tone when you do get involved. Avoid coming in “guns blazing” if you’ve been out of the loop on an issue.

Becoming a Dive Bomber Parent gives you space to enjoy the scenery and watch from a distance. Remember to choose activities that bring you joy and calm so that you can enjoy the ride.

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