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Tag Archives: Coach for Success

Managing the Rebound Effect in Children When ADHD Medication Wears Off!

Managing the Rebound Effect in Children When ADHD Medication Wears Off!

Medication rebound – it’s real for kids with ADHD. So, what should a parent do when the ADHD medication wears off?   Diane: So a lot of parents struggle with what they call “medication rebound,” – and I think that is what happens when their kids are on a medication, and at some point during…

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Astonishing Approach to Manage ADHD: Commemoration

Astonishing Approach to Manage ADHD: Commemoration

Have you ever noticed that what you most need to focus on tends to appear in your life repeatedly? It’s sort of like a corollary to the idea that “when the student is ready, the teacher appears.” Personally, my teachers are very often my coaching clients and my kids (of course!). Way back on New…

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Transform into a parent who dives in headfirst.

Transform into a parent who dives in headfirst.

Are you a Helicopter parent? It’s easy to become one when your kid has ADHD. It seems that they need help, support, and guidance on a daily – if not constant – basis. For many of us, it could be a full-time job. For some of us, it is, helping our kids keep up with…

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The Effectiveness of Rewards Systems and How to Initiate One

The Effectiveness of Rewards Systems and How to Initiate One

The Power of Rewards Systems Whatever the goal, rewards are tremendously uplifting and motivating for anyone. If you’re trying to get fit, for example, it’s a great strategy to reward your efforts along the way. You shouldn’t wait until you can run a marathon or lose X number of pounds. You will be more effective…

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Lessons from a Mom of an ADHD Adult: If I Had Known

Lessons from a Mom of an ADHD Adult: If I Had Known

We all want to do the best for our children, but sometimes we just don’t know how. When her son was young, Linda Roggli didn’t know, either. But now that her son is grown, she knows how she’d handle a “do-over.” Thankfully, we can all benefit from her words of wisdom …

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