How to Differentiate Between Anus Warts and Hemorrhoids?
Distinguishing Between Anal Warts vs Hemorrhoids
Determining whether an itchy or uncomfortable anal lump is anus warts vs hemorrhoids can be difficult. At the initial onset, when it is most important, the two can appear and feel quite similar. However, there are telling differences in both appearance and signs and symptoms. Because they have very different treatments, achieving clarity on whether you have anus warts or hemorrhoids is essential.
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Causes of Hemorrhoids and Anal Warts
The Causes of Hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids, also known as piles, are swollen blood vessels in the anal canal. There are several types of hemorrhoids:
– Internal, located inside the anus
– External, located on or around the anus
– Prolapsed, when an internal hemorrhoid protrudes out of the anus, often due to strain
Hemorrhoids are thought to stem from repetitive straining related to chronic constipation or diarrhea, leading to the disruption of the supporting tissue elements with subsequent elongation, dilation, and engorgement of the hemorrhoidal tissues. Hemorrhoids occur more frequently in older populations.
The Causes of Anal Warts
Anal warts (condylomata acuminata) are caused by human papillomavirus (HPV), a sexually transmitted disease (STD) that, depending on the type, can also lead to cancerous lesions. The warts initially appear as small spots that can grow large enough to cover the entire anus or genitals in rare cases. The growths are highly contagious and occur through direct contact with infected skin or mucosa.
Symptoms of Hemorrhoids and Anal Warts
Symptoms of Hemorrhoids
Pain and itching are common hemorrhoid symptoms, which can be unbearable, especially during bowel movements. Some are not painful, and because hemorrhoids can vary in location and type, the exact symptoms will also differ. Internal hemorrhoids are typically not painful unless they prolapse. However, they can bleed, causing bright red blood in one’s stool, in the toilet bowl, or on wiping.
Symptoms of Anal Warts
One of the most common signs of anal warts is the presence of soft and moist pink or light-brown bumps that resemble cauliflower. Visible anogenital warts can ultimately enlarge, have rough surfaces, cluster, or become pedunculated. As they are often painless, it’s common for anal warts to go unnoticed, although they can be itchy. Left untreated, most anal warts resolve spontaneously, and treatment is not always indicated. However, rarely, some HPV infections may lead to genital cancers.
Identifying Anal Warts vs Hemorrhoids
Because the treatments for anus warts and hemorrhoids are vastly different, it’s beneficial to identify them early on. Anal warts can easily spread, and it’s easier to prevent this when they’re small. Hemorrhoids are usually associated with minimal pain and can be treated easily. Both anal warts and hemorrhoids can bleed, making it difficult sometimes to differentiate between anal warts vs hemorrhoids.
Anal wart treatment includes creams and also liquid nitrogen, which may be painful on an already aggravated area. It’s important to receive an accurate diagnosis before treatment so you don’t use potentially aggravating anal warts treatments on hemorrhoids. The best way to be sure is to get a professional diagnosis, and an experienced physician can diagnose anal warts clinically. At times, they might perform a biopsy to confirm the diagnosis. Hemorrhoids can be diagnosed by physical examination as well. In either case, the doctor may use an anoscope (lighted scope) to check for internal anal warts or hemorrhoids.
Treatments for Anal Warts vs Hemorrhoids
Treatments for Anal Warts
There are four main treatments for anal warts:
– Topical creams (Podofilox, Imiquimod, Sinecatechin)
– Cryotherapy (freezing them; administered by your doctor)
– Trichloro- or bichloroacetic acid administered by your doctor to burn the warts
– Surgical excision
The right treatment depends on the severity, size, and location of the anus warts. Generally, treatments for small and localized anal warts include applying a topical cream or liquid nitrogen, and about a third of anogenital w