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Dextrostat Interactions
There are a total of 152 drugs that have been identified to interact with Dextrostat (dextroamphetamine), along with 15 disease interactions and 3 alcohol/food interactions.
Out of the 152 drug interactions, 37 are considered major, 107 are moderate, and 8 are minor.
If you are wondering whether Dextrostat interacts with any of your other medications, you can enter them to view a detailed report.
Most Frequently Checked Interactions
You can view interaction reports for Dextrostat (dextroamphetamine) and the medicines listed below:
Dextrostat Alcohol/Food Interactions
There are 3 alcohol/food interactions with Dextrostat (dextroamphetamine).
Dextrostat Disease Interactions
There are 15 disease interactions with Dextrostat (dextroamphetamine), which include:
Related Treatment Guides
Learn more about Dextrostat (dextroamphetamine) and its related treatment guides.
Drug Interaction Classification
The following classifications are only a guideline. It is difficult to determine the relevance of a particular drug interaction to a specific individual. Always consult your healthcare provider before starting or stopping any medication.
Always consult your healthcare provider to ensure the information displayed on this page applies to your personal circumstances.
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