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Category Archives: ADHD

To obtain the most effective ADHD treatment for children, inquire about three key aspects.

To obtain the most effective ADHD treatment for children, inquire about three key aspects.

Brian, a pensioner now, has one leg clearly shorter than the other, the result of childhood tuberculosis. He wears a special shoe that makes his legs the same length as they hit the ground — which facilitates a fully mobile life. Without it, he would be unable to enjoy life to the fullest. People may…

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Managing the Rebound Effect in Children When ADHD Medication Wears Off!

Managing the Rebound Effect in Children When ADHD Medication Wears Off!

Medication rebound – it’s real for kids with ADHD. So, what should a parent do when the ADHD medication wears off?   Diane: So a lot of parents struggle with what they call “medication rebound,” – and I think that is what happens when their kids are on a medication, and at some point during…

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